This Pacific Island Nation Cut Ties With Taiwan, Switched To China


Sydney: The Pacific Island nation of Nauru declared on Monday its decision to terminate diplomatic ties with Taiwan and, instead, extend recognition to China, as announced in a government statement on social media. President David Adeang conveyed the decision through a national address shared on an official Facebook page, citing “the Nauru government’s decision to recognize the People’s Republic of China.”

In an accompanying press release, the Nauru government clarified that it would no longer regard Taiwan “as a separate country” but rather as an integral part of China’s territory. The release further outlined Nauru’s immediate decision to “sever diplomatic relations” with Taiwan and cease any official connections or exchanges with the island nation.

This move is anticipated to be a significant diplomatic victory for Beijing, considering that Nauru was among the limited number of nations officially recognizing Taiwan on a diplomatic level. Presently, only 12 states, including the Holy See, maintain full diplomatic recognition of Taiwan.

With a population of approximately 12,500 people, Nauru becomes the latest Pacific country to shift its allegiance from a longstanding relationship with Taiwan to establishing ties with China. In 2019, the Solomon Islands similarly announced a diplomatic shift, transitioning from recognizing Taiwan to formalizing relations with China.

In the African continent, only Eswatini officially recognizes Taiwan, while in Latin America, seven states maintain full diplomatic ties with Taiwan, including Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, and Paraguay. The geopolitical landscape continues to evolve as nations make strategic choices in their diplomatic affiliations.

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