Scientists Have Discovered An Idea To Know Whether A Heart Attack Will Come Or Not

Scientists Have Discovered An Idea To Know Whether A Heart Attack

Scientists have now discovered such a test, with the help of which the risk of heart attack can be detected about three years in advance. This will reduce the risk of death due to heart attack to a great extent.

Now not only the elderly but also the younger generation are becoming victims of heart diseases. The increasing cases of heart attacks are proof of this itself. However, scientists have now discovered such a test, with the help of which the risk of heart attack can be detected about three years in advance. This will reduce the risk of death due to heart attack to a great extent.

For this, scientists have examined the C-reactive protein of former heart attack victims. That is, a sign that tells about inflammation. He also did a standard test of troponin. This is the protein that comes out of the blood when there is heart damage. The report states that about 2.5 lakh NHS patients who had elevated CRP levels and tested positive for troponin test, The probability of death in them in three years was about 35%.

With this discovery of scientists, millions of lives can be saved by monitoring and advising anti-inflammatory drugs at the right time. Dr. Ramji Khameez of Imperial College of London told that the discovery of this test has come at a time when its danger is being identified in people who are more vulnerable than other tests.

“It is a valuable tool to be included in doctors’ medical kits,” said Professor James Leiper, of the British Heart Foundation, which funded the study. A study has found that being active for about four hours a day reduces the risk of heart disease by 43%.

Symptoms of Heart Attack:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has described many symptoms of a heart attack. In this, chest pain and or discomfort is most important. Its main symptoms include weakness, pain in the jaw, throat, or waist. Apart from this, a heart attack can also be recognized by the symptoms of pain or discomfort in both the arms or shoulders. Shortness of breath can also be a sign of a heart attack.

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